Sunday, July 11, 2010

Recruitment Agency Cardiff

Capstone recruitment has evolved from our desire to provide a professional, customer focused, quality recruitment service to both our clients and candidates.
We are an independent Welsh recruitment agency based in Cardiff, working with a network of like-minded business partners across the UK.
Our team of dedicated professionals believe that only by listening and fully understanding your specific requirements can we provide the search and selection process that fits your needs.

GP Jobs Wales

Sessional Doctors

Are you a Sessional Doctor looking for short or long term locum work, salaried, retainer or partnership positions in Wales?
Register for FREE and click on the map or use the menus to view vacancies across Wales.  Post your CV for prospective employers to view and receive emails about jobs that might interest you.


ODDGODS™ are the creation of Jon Phillips, a graphic designer/illustrator living in Cardiff .
Most people have someone they look up to whether it be their mum/dad, brother/sister, popstar/moviestar, there's always someone you admire, in this case “The Sports Personality” comes into the equation.

Electric skateboard shop, motorized, video, e-glide electric skateboards uk is a website devoted to selling the best electric skateboards on the planet.
We are based in Cornwall in the UK but sell electric skateboards in Europe, Australia and the USA.
What makes us different is that we actually pay people for riding electric skateboards with our unique 'earn as you ride' scheme.
We pride ourselves on the quality of the products we sell and our after-sales care which is why we only sell electric skateboards that come with at least a 90 day warranty.

The Canterbury Ugly Rugby Shirt

By the Early 1970's Canterbury of New Zealand were supplying kit to so many teams around world that it's factories were left with a Problem: What to do with the remnants of fabrics that were used to make the many different jerseys of these teams?
The solution: Stitch them together and market them. With no two shirts exactly the same, they have become hugely popular and affectionately referred to as the 'UGLY' Jersey.

Palm Technology

At Palm Technology we believe in offering value products and excellent service. Please browse our new website for the latest deals on computer components and accessories.

Wentwood Property Letting Services, Cardiff

Welcome to Wentwood Property Services, one of the premier letting agents in Cardiff - specialising in letting quality properties throughout Cardiff and South Wales.

Whether you're a first time Landlord or an experienced professional we can offer a full range of services to get the maximum profit from your property. We work with hundreds of local, national and company landlords, managing their property and locating suitable tenants from across the UK.

The Welsh Rugby Players Association

Set Up of the Welsh Rugby Players Association :
The Welsh Rugby Players Association (WRPA) is a not-for-profit registered trade union and was set up in 2003.

It represents the interests of the professional rugby players in Wales, including Team Wales. The players themselves are the members of the WRPA.
As a not-for-profit organization the Welsh Rugby Players Association is able to use all funds to provide benefits to the players themselves.

Patchetts Equestrian Centre

Welcome to the Tackshop where both you and your horses needs can be met under one roof....
Once inside the door of The Tackshop you are overwhelmed by the vast array of goods available.   

Upvc Replacement Windows, Doors and Conservatories

If you are considering replacement Upvc windows or doors for your home or are looking for a beautiful and stylish conservatory then you should ask Window Class for a quote.
We can supply and fit the ultimate in affordable and secure Upvc windows and doors. With the new Five Star range you are choosing todays superior design in Upvc windows at really affordable prices. And you'll save even more on heating bills too!

Abergavenny RFC

Welcome to Abergavenny Rugby Football Club, Gateway to Welsh Rugby. 130 years of History and set in the beautiful Monmouthshire market town.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

#1. Simple rules just don’t work #1

Masih ingatkah dengan nasihat ini “hati-hati kalau bertemu dengan orang yang tidak kamu kenal”, atau “jangan bicara dengan orang yang tidak kamu kenal” ? Nasihat tersebut terdengar akrab di telinga kita. Pun nasihat ini ada juga di budaya barat, “Don’t talk to stranger!”.

Rasanya nasihat itu cocok jika diterapkan atau dinasihatkan pada anak-anak, dimana mereka belum bisa memilah mana kawan dan mana lawan, mana yang berhati tulus dan mana yang berkedok manis. Sangat mungkin kita yang sudah dewasa ini tidak menerapkan nasihat tersebut, kecuali jika di orang asing tersebut penampilannya menakutkan, mencurigakan, berwajah angker, dan lain sebagainya. Kita cenderung berusaha mengenali si orang asing tadi, paling tidak kita berusaha mendapatkan gambaran umum apakah dia orang baik atau tidak, bicaranya baik atau tidak, latar belakang atau pengalaman serupa atau tidak, dll.

Nah, apakah hal yang sama kita terapkan di dunia maya ? dunia dimana pertemuan atau keberadaan fisik bukan lagi menjadi hambatan, tapi justru dijembatani. Disini masihkah berlaku nasihat diatas ?

Pengalaman saya membuktikan sebaliknya. “Talk to stranger” ternyata mengasyikan! Melihat foto lawan bicara dan berbicara berjam-jam nampaknya makin mengaburkan usaha saya mengenali lawan bicara saya. Semakin hari semakin nasihat ini tidak relevan. Semakin banyak kenalan saya dari dunia maya yang bahkan bertemupun belum pernah. Dan setelah bertahun-tahun menjalani pengalaman ini, saya semakin “tidak berhati-hati”. Usaha mengenali lawan bicara tidak lagi saya lakukan dalam rangka memastikan apakah dia orang baik atau bukan, tapi justru mengenal lebih dalam, lebih rinci, dan seringkali di pertemuan pertama saja rasa kedekatan mulai tercipta, dan berharap akan ada pertemuan berikutnya.

Lalu nasihat apakah yang cocok kita berikan bagi generasi muda mendatang ? “Don’t talk to stranger”, di saat kita justru “Chat with the unknown”.